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Updated: Nov 30, 2020

There is nothing better than a homemade hot fresh oven roasted meat. It tastes super delicious and can be served multiway: hot as roast, cold as slice cut on a sandwich, add to salads, tacos and much more. I love it hot right out of the oven and dipping it to the juice leftover on the button.

Turkey Oven Roast
Turkey Oven Roast in spices and garlic

It tastes delicious cold or heated up again the next morning. With this simple and fast recipe never ever buy cold cut again.


1. Turkey Roast (small-medium, about 2 lbs.)

2. Himalayan Pink Salt (optional)

3. Black Pepper

4. Garlic, minced, about 1/3 cup

5. Bay leave spice (optional), or any other spice preferred

6. Mustard (optional)

7. You can add any of the spices you prefer and like, make it spicy on top or add garlic making holes around the meet piece and stick the sliced or whole garlic there... for more garlicky spicy taste :). You can make a hole with a long knife and stick your carrots inside... So many ways to cook it.

NOTE: Using three ingredient spice as salt, pepper and garlic makes this turkey roast just perfect!


Use it as your hot protein serving with meal

Use it as cold cut for quick sandwich with sprouted bread

Use it as a filling into your high fiber wrap

Use it as your protein sources to your cold or hot salad

Use it as your protein source to your pasta dishes, make it diced or cubed

Use it as your lean protein snack along with some cucumber


1. Preheat oven to 385 F

2. Cover Glass Bowl for oven with oversized foil sheet.

Enjoy with steamed broccoli and horseradish, or let it cool, place in the fridge wrapped in towel and/or store in topper ware and enjoy as cold cut as desired.nce done.

4. Place in an oven 385F for 1-1.5 hours or until roast pin is out.

5. Let it cool a bit prior to slice.

Enjoy with steamed broccoli and horseradish or some #BrusselsSprouts and #Millet.

Remember, you can also use it as your cold cut.

TIP: If you only plan to use this recipe as cold cut option, I recommend to let it cool under the heavy press and placed to fridge after. You will be able to slice it really thin then. Slicing this roast hot might be challenging and won't be as thin as you would prefer for your sandwich needs or taco. So once it is cooled, place in the fridge wrapped in towel and/or store in topper ware.

Bon Appetite!


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