Fluffy Millet Side Dish
Updated: Oct 1, 2020
Millet is rich in iron, B vitamins and calcium. It has a mild texture and naturally gluten-free; a good source of protein and fiber. It is lovely and light when cooked. Millet is incredibly versatile in dishes ranging all the way from breakfast to dinner and warm salads.

In order to get fluffy, whole-grain side dish much like quinoa as seen on the picture, you will need 2 cups of water for 1 cup of dry Millet. No stiring while cooking. See further instructions.
1 cup raw millet
2 cups water
¼ teaspoon Himalayan pink salt (optional)
1 tablespoon unsalted grass-fed butter or ghee (optional) *butter as optional here, but it really helps keep the millet from sticking together but add just a tiny bit ( i cook without though!)
In order to get fluffy, whole-grain side dish much like quinoa as seen on the picture, you will need 2 cups of water for 1 cup of dry Millet. No stirring while cooking. See further instructions.
1. Place Millet and water to a sauce pan
2. Add Salt & stir
3. Bring to a boil on high heat
4. Decrease the heat to low, drop in the butter and cover the pot. Simmer until the grains absorb most of the water (they'll continue soaking it up as they sit), about 15 minutes.
NOTE: Avoid the temptation to peek a great deal or stir too much (unless its sticking to the bottom). Stirring too vigorously will break up the grains and change the texture.
ONCE I cover with lid to simmer, I do not stir at all, just dip the fork to see how much water left... Millet goes well with fish or meat dishes (if you eat animal flesh) and a great addition to any salad, warm or cold. Perfect for your side dish on #Thanksgiving celebration to serve along with turkey or even staff with it. I like it for my breakfast with some berries on top.
1 cup of uncooked millet has 120g of carbs. Once cooked, it is about 3 cups; making it about 40g per cup of cooked grits.
TIP: If you prefer porridge like creamy style, add 3 cups of water for 1 cup of Millet grits and stir often while cooking.